Movement guide: 

De tushy toners


Booty Burner Step Back

Step 1: Place your DE Tushy Toner around your legs a few inches above your knees.

Step 2: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and slightly bend your knees. Make sure to keep your back flat.

Step 3: With one leg, step backwards at an angle, hold for 1 second and return to starting position.

Step 4: Repeat the movement with your other leg.


squat jumps

Step 1: Place your DE Tushy Toner a couple inches above your knees.

Step 2: With your feet just beyond shoulder width apart and your back flat, sink down into a squat position.

Step 3: From there, explode upward to jump as high as you can. Focus on a soft landing with bent knees and hips.

Step 4: Repeat the movement.


Glute Bridges

Step 1: Place your DE Tushy Toner around your legs about 3-4 inches above your knees.

Step 2: While lying on your back, place your feet shoulder width apart and your arms (palms down) beside you for support.

Step 3: Fire your glute muscles and raise up into a bridge. Your body should be completely in line from your shoulders to your knees.

Step 4: Hold for 2 seconds, then lower to starting position and repeat. 


Face Down Leg Raise

Step 1: Place your your DE Tushy Toner around your legs about 2-3 inches from your knee.

Step 2: Lying face down, flex both feet so that your toes are the only thing touching the ground.

Step 3: While keeping the rest of your body completely still, squeeze your glute while raising one leg as high as you can without any rocking or movement in your core.

Step 4: Hold for 2-3 seconds at the top and then lower back to your starting position.

Step 5: Repeat on other leg.